

The flowers differ greatly per hybrid. Some hybrids have small flowers, but they are often present with sometimes three flowers per stem. Another crossing has large flowers, which easily reach a size of 10 cm. All flowers have the characteristic appearance that decorates an orchid and are nothing short of spectacular! The leaf is oval-shaped and has a light green color. At the end of the garden season the above-ground parts die off, the plant overwintering under the ground. Every year the number of buds, which end in spring, increases. If a pol is too large, it can easily be shared and replanted.

Location and care

These Cypripediums prefer to grow in a slightly shaded spot, although a number of hours of sun or full shade are also tolerated. Among bushes or trees or on the North, West or East, they are not choosy. This also applies to the soil type. If possible, spit some substrate, fine gravel or coarse sand through the spot where the plants will be placed. Possibly some lime can also be mixed through the soil. In principle, the other treatment does not differ from other garden plants: fertilize in the spring, possibly later for additional leaf and root growth.

Unlike other orchids, the Bletilla can effortlessly maintain itself in a wet spot in the garden. A swamp area or a pond edge is ideal for this fascinating plant. Not only the beautiful butterfly-like flowers of approximately four centimeters, but also the sword-shaped leaves are attractive. Thanks to recent cross-breeding results, the colors of this orchid vary from white, yellow, pink to purple, lilac and all shades in between.
A mixture of clay, sand and leaf earth is sufficient. If the plant is covered with leaves in the winter, you can enjoy it for years.
Location: sun or partial shade. The Bletilla can be placed near a swamp or pond, but also simply in the garden in a place that retains sufficient moisture

These are new hybrids that bloom pink or yellow and smell wonderfully during flowering. Unfortunately it is not possible to see what color these spectacular plants will flower. This bloom is spectacular and can last for 12 weeks. The plants tolerate temperatures up to -5 degrees Celsius.
The plants grow well in an average garden soil, you can possibly mix some orchid soil through the soil in the plant hole. Provide a sheltered location in the shade or partial shade. The leaves stay on the plant in winter and can be covered with straw.
These hybrid seedlings of the Pleione are fairly hardy: up to -5 / -10 degrees Celsius no problems are expected. A place in the partial shade in a damp place is sufficient.
Soil type: preferably with a low pH / higher acidity. The colors vary from dark pink to snow white and all shades in between. The delivered plants have 10 – 15 bulbs, which when planting must therefore also be kept partially above ground, just as they are in the pot.
One or more flowering buds appear from almost every bulb. It is possible to have this orchid bloom first in the living room and to plant it out in the garden after flowering. The plants can also be kept in a shallow dish in a cold greenhouse. Flowering takes place in April – May and can last up to 4 weeks.

Pot or container

For those who do not have much space: these orchids grow well in pots on terraces or balconies. For this you can purchase special substrate, which is also very suitable for mixing through the garden soil.

Flowering time 

One hybrid blossoms a bit earlier than the other, but all plants bloom in the months of April, May and June. The flowering time is two to three weeks. Every bud that appears in March is good for flowering!

Planting time

Preferably plant these Cypripediums during their rest – from October to March – in the garden. Even if you buy the plant in flower, you can plant it in the garden soil.

Guaranteed hardiness

Cypripediums occur in the mountains of China, Korea and Japan, but also in Russia and in the forests of Kentucky. Even in the Alps and in England, these orchids occurred, but avid enthusiasts caused them to be virtually extinct in Europe. Many of the crosses resemble the flowers that are found in the wild, others do not. They all have the agreement that they are completely winter-hardy and exuberant. Temperatures up to – 20 0 Celsius are easily tolerated.

Quality and delivery

Every plant is grown from seed and has an age of 5 years. All plants are delivered in pots. Delivery takes place once a month, the plants are sent to you as a package after receiving payment. If desired, it is also possible in the rest period to deliver plants in the resting period with bare roots.